
Geslacht Hengst Totale prijzengeld 84569€
Ouders Speedy Somolli [SPE0080]
Cash Income [CAS0077]
Nationaliteit Verenigde Staten
Trainer - Eigenaar / Huurder SYNDICAT REVOLUTIONARY
Fokker bij geboorte -
Geboortedatum 01-01-83 Einde koerscarriere 31-12-97
Gebruikersnaam REV0091 Status Dood
Verkocht onder voorwaarden Nee Minitrotter Nee
Belgian Darby Nee Breeders Crown Nee
Deelnemingen (BE.): 0
Internationale deelnemingen: 1
Overwinningen (BE.): 0
Internationale overwinningen: 0
Prijzengeld (BE.): 0€
Internationale prijzengeld: 84569€
Afstand Datum Hippodroom Land Discipline Categorie Type Start
01:11:6 m 06-07-20 - - Aangespannen - -
Toekomstige koers deelnames
Koers Datum Hippodrome Distance Discipline Bib Jockey Eigenaar Trainer
Geen gegevens beschikbaar
Laatste koersen
Aantal resultaten
Koers Datum Hippodrome Distance Disicipline km Jockey Eigenaar Trainer Prijzengeld
Geen gegevens beschikbaar
Speedy Somolli
Speedy Crown
Speedy Scot
Speedster (usa)
Scotch Love
Missile Toe
Florican *a*
Worth A Plenty
Star's Pride
Worthy Boy
Laurita Hanover
Hoot Mon
Lark Hanover
Cash Income
Nevele Pride
Star's Pride
Worthy Boy
Hoot Mon
Magnolia Hanover
Extra Bonus
Speedster (usa)
Mimi Hanover
Veulen Geboortedatum Vader Moeder
Vallenby 12-08-2003 Revolutionary Jojo Girl Ds
Vif Du Lombart 21-05-2003 Revolutionary Ketty Du Lombart I
Violine Du Lombart 29-04-2003 Revolutionary Elue Du Lombart
Victory Du Lombart 24-03-2003 Revolutionary Kimie Du Pont
Ursule Du Moulin Ii 03-07-2002 Revolutionary Jolie Star
Ulinda 19-06-2002 Revolutionary Nica Buitenzorg
Unidee Du Lombart 13-06-2002 Revolutionary Grazilia Champleur
Ulrika Vd 08-06-2002 Revolutionary Young Maxi
Ulla Koetshoeve 06-06-2002 Revolutionary Girl D'orange
Ufo Bolets 03-06-2002 Revolutionary Tax Value
Urseline (b) 19-05-2002 Revolutionary Fortuna Van Arpoel
Ureka Lindeveld 04-04-2002 Revolutionary Lady Du Gazeau
Une Du Lombart 03-04-2002 Revolutionary Action Queen
Ully Hagelstein 18-03-2002 Revolutionary Fauve B
Toutsy Gw 23-06-2001 Revolutionary Kadjah Nin
Tuurken Oldeson 28-05-2001 Revolutionary Loulou Oldeson
Tigre Du Lombart 14-05-2001 Revolutionary Melie Du Lombart
Tonic Buga 01-05-2001 Revolutionary Jolidean Drossaert
Turbo Delco 30-04-2001 Revolutionary Loretta Delco L
Tender Hagelstein 30-03-2001 Revolutionary Fauve B
Sidi Ecoute Ii 30-06-2000 Revolutionary Celine Ii
Stendahl 30-06-2000 Revolutionary Istante Heufkens
Sanday 27-06-2000 Revolutionary Elle
Salsa 13-06-2000 Revolutionary Hermina Calinca
Silverster 11-06-2000 Revolutionary Jetula Nj
Sinjora Lindeveld 27-05-2000 Revolutionary Gaudya
Speedy Du Lombart 22-05-2000 Revolutionary Gloriana Lobell
Sharif Buga 14-05-2000 Revolutionary Flo-dean-drossaert
Sigrid Buga 14-05-2000 Revolutionary Goodnight Hill
Smaching Boy 05-05-2000 Revolutionary Juema
Sam 01-05-2000 Revolutionary Fara Henk L
Sultan Starline 30-04-2000 Revolutionary Bonnie Starline
Star Du Lombart I 22-04-2000 Revolutionary Elue Du Lombart
Speedy Ter Aalter 21-04-2000 Revolutionary Etina Ii
Sandro Williams 21-04-2000 Revolutionary Dona Williams (be)
Steffi Winner 20-04-2000 Revolutionary Flika Gk
Samson R 14-04-2000 Revolutionary Elsie Armbro
Super Hagelstein 12-04-2000 Revolutionary Fauve B
Rocky D'orange 18-07-1999 Revolutionary Girl D'orange
Rossignol 12-07-1999 Revolutionary Gitane Dw
Roxane Fontroide 27-06-1999 Revolutionary Etoile Font Froide
Royal Delco 05-06-1999 Revolutionary Saskia Delco
Revito De Leuk 28-05-1999 Revolutionary Galieno De Leuk
Run Fast Cherie 28-05-1999 Revolutionary Cherie Vb
Rinero 15-05-1999 Revolutionary Hardinella Vl
Revella Bambois 10-05-1999 Revolutionary Urella Bloc
Rivalas 25-04-1999 Revolutionary Gala Vb
Revmoon 29-03-1999 Revolutionary Hanymoon S
Red De Poucet 28-03-1999 Revolutionary Fille De Red
Roxette 15-03-1999 Revolutionary Vinuline B
Patron Lindeveld 30-07-1998 Revolutionary Edele Van Troje
Petra New Born 27-07-1998 Revolutionary Zege Boszorg
Picaso Degra 10-07-1998 Revolutionary Biancamina
Passiflora I 09-06-1998 Revolutionary Cresta V
Pheadra Williams 06-06-1998 Revolutionary Kiara Williams
Pegasus Brolin 29-05-1998 Revolutionary Delmona Broline
Puzzil Buga 21-05-1998 Revolutionary Eva Drossaert
Pacha Du Lombart 20-05-1998 Revolutionary Berta Hill
Piroshka Buga 02-04-1998 Revolutionary Flo-dean-drossaert
Orage Du Lombart 09-07-1997 Revolutionary Jill Du Lombart
Oerakka Tigo 22-06-1997 Revolutionary Ilga (be)
Oracle Du Lombart 22-06-1997 Revolutionary Buga Drossaert
Omate Du Lombart 21-06-1997 Revolutionary Sonia Du Clocher
O'connele 20-06-1997 Revolutionary Uppie
Ourazie Des Viaux 14-06-1997 Revolutionary Fara Des Viaux
Oktar Du Lombart 31-05-1997 Revolutionary Sadora
Or Du Lombart 29-05-1997 Revolutionary Folie Du Lombart
Otarie Du Lombart 25-05-1997 Revolutionary Betsy Du Lombart
Oria Du Lombart 20-05-1997 Revolutionary Hello Again
Oree Du Lombart 18-05-1997 Revolutionary Via L'espoir
Olympic Limitis 14-05-1997 Revolutionary Halestra's Play H
Opius Du Lombart 14-05-1997 Revolutionary Action Queen
Odile Du Lombart 10-05-1997 Revolutionary Ile Du Lombart
Ograce Du Lombart 09-05-1997 Revolutionary Gracieuse
Omrom D'ann 05-05-1997 Revolutionary Heros D'ann
Opium De Bodegnee 02-05-1997 Revolutionary Barbara Ii
Olivia D'oc 29-04-1997 Revolutionary Gene De Gollard
Oliver Des Monts 28-04-1997 Revolutionary Speedy Pompadour
Oscar D'etoile 28-04-1997 Revolutionary Etoile De Chapon
Omardean Drossaert 22-04-1997 Revolutionary Deanne Drossaert
Only You Drossaert 22-04-1997 Revolutionary Eva Drossaert
Ouvy Du Lombart 22-04-1997 Revolutionary Groovy
Otthias B 21-04-1997 Revolutionary Vinuline B
Orinia Du Lombart 13-04-1997 Revolutionary Irinia Du Lombart
Oriane Verlo 27-03-1997 Revolutionary Falcon's Lady Gd
Orfeu Du Lombart 24-03-1997 Revolutionary Elue Du Lombart
Okapi Du Lombart 16-03-1997 Revolutionary Darie Du Lombart
Ourson Du Lombart 07-03-1997 Revolutionary Belle Van Arpoel
Nobel Fontfroide 07-06-1996 Revolutionary Cybele Fontfroide
Nikos D'ouxy 01-06-1996 Revolutionary Salinette
N25 30-05-1996 Revolutionary Chilling
N15 28-05-1996 Revolutionary Avrilaie
Nireska 20-05-1996 Revolutionary Vega D'asson
Neria Du Lombart 17-05-1996 Revolutionary Feria
Niki Du Lombart 01-05-1996 Revolutionary Epine Noordhof
Nobilitary D'erevan 30-04-1996 Revolutionary Rumbalie
N83 30-03-1996 Revolutionary Queta Pile
Nevada Somolli El 21-03-1996 Revolutionary Venus Des Genettes
Non Stop Lombart 09-02-1996 Revolutionary L'agathe
Misti Du Lombart 25-07-1995 Revolutionary Duenna Hanover
M29 20-07-1995 Revolutionary Assiduite
Manille Du Savary 11-07-1995 Revolutionary Sultana Annedge
Manou De Romcamps 08-07-1995 Revolutionary Bianca G
Max Drossaert 07-07-1995 Revolutionary Regine Drossaert
Majac Du Lombart 04-07-1995 Revolutionary Galia Du Perron
Mignonne De Russet 01-07-1995 Revolutionary Cally Bornie
Miette Du Lombart 30-06-1995 Revolutionary Aria Du Clocher
Miss Stones 30-06-1995 Revolutionary Plata
Mon Lombart 30-06-1995 Revolutionary Gipsy Girl
Madame D'anxtot 26-06-1995 Revolutionary Bernote Du Damier
Mimi Du Lombart 26-06-1995 Revolutionary Farah Buitenzorg
Marie Madeleine 25-06-1995 Revolutionary Hot-kiss
Monika Vm 24-06-1995 Revolutionary Bornea
Miss Suzy Pride 21-06-1995 Revolutionary Harabelle De Soy
Malice Du Savary 20-06-1995 Revolutionary Graien's
Menhir Du Lombart 19-06-1995 Revolutionary Amina
Mr Revolu 16-06-1995 Revolutionary Tellouet
Magic Du Coria 10-06-1995 Revolutionary Coquine Camelie
Manolito D'eichem 07-06-1995 Revolutionary Danina
Matcho Du Lombart 02-06-1995 Revolutionary Emilie Star
Mikidean-drossaert 01-06-1995 Revolutionary Ann Mary Dean
Mamie De Bodegnee 01-06-1995 Revolutionary Sa Fiesta
Manny Du Lombart 01-06-1995 Revolutionary Fanny D'amour
Melusine Du Bois 30-05-1995 Revolutionary Charmeuse D'ann
Miky Stones 30-05-1995 Revolutionary Uzarde Dg
Must Be Noordhof 29-05-1995 Revolutionary Hell Noordhof
Miky Des Viaux 26-05-1995 Revolutionary Fara Des Viaux
Men Du Lombart 26-05-1995 Revolutionary Brise Du Lombart
Miss Hagelstein 18-05-1995 Revolutionary Fauve B
Mielle De L'oise 16-05-1995 Revolutionary Ela Du Chateau
Misionnary Jr 13-05-1995 Revolutionary -
Major Du Lombart 10-05-1995 Revolutionary Day Dream
Mustang C 10-05-1995 Revolutionary Antinea C
Mario D'elen 09-05-1995 Revolutionary Babine Lombart
Morida M P 08-05-1995 Revolutionary Florida Vo
Miss Friendly 06-05-1995 Revolutionary Egora H
Mygal Du Lombart 05-05-1995 Revolutionary Dahlia
Mellow Hollandia 03-05-1995 Revolutionary Duenke Lady
Merise Du Lombart 03-05-1995 Revolutionary Ucla B Robine
Miss-lies 28-04-1995 Revolutionary Garce Du Lombart
Mirette 26-04-1995 Revolutionary Alegresse
Monia Du Lombart 21-04-1995 Revolutionary Sonia Du Clocher
Monalisa Jeancle 20-04-1995 Revolutionary Benechou
M37 20-04-1995 Revolutionary Diane De Lou
Missil Du Lombart 19-04-1995 Revolutionary Elite Du Lombart
Mon Legionnaire 18-04-1995 Revolutionary Bergere Du Braud
Mistraiko 16-04-1995 Revolutionary Hopje
Midi Du Lombart 12-04-1995 Revolutionary Barbara Ii
Mister Du Lombart 10-04-1995 Revolutionary Horta St Anna
M36 10-04-1995 Revolutionary Brunette De Suce
Malice Du Lombart 07-04-1995 Revolutionary Caty Du Lombart
Megan Bija 05-04-1995 Revolutionary Dignite Des Iles
Miss Sonia 03-04-1995 Revolutionary Sonia D'awagne
Maribelle D'algue 29-03-1995 Revolutionary Utsumi
Melrose Jeancle 28-03-1995 Revolutionary Voachimie
Mistral Des Monts 28-03-1995 Revolutionary Neronne Vallee
Marbella Jeancle 17-03-1995 Revolutionary Brives
Marquise Cp 14-03-1995 Revolutionary Hacienda Volo
Moskito 13-03-1995 Revolutionary Helene Hl
Metsy Du Lombart 12-03-1995 Revolutionary Betsy Du Lombart
Minie Du Lombart 09-03-1995 Revolutionary Ariane Du Pont
Muse Du Lombart 08-03-1995 Revolutionary Sabine Du Pont
Melba De Cortil 24-02-1995 Revolutionary Grace De Cortil
Magic Noble 21-02-1995 Revolutionary Ciberdia
Mikael Du Lombart 20-02-1995 Revolutionary Berta Hill
Lupin Du Lombart 11-07-1994 Revolutionary Dikini
Loustic Des Viaux 10-07-1994 Revolutionary Vamartine
Lampy S 06-07-1994 Revolutionary Sultane Ganesh
Long Du Lombart 01-07-1994 Revolutionary Galia Du Perron
Lima Du Condor 20-06-1994 Revolutionary Lucky Flame
Livine Stones 20-06-1994 Revolutionary Plata
Lise Du Lombart 20-06-1994 Revolutionary Ginetu
Libelle Lombart 13-06-1994 Revolutionary Emilie Star
Lavenka 09-06-1994 Revolutionary Vera D'elbeck
Lilas De Tienne 05-06-1994 Revolutionary Bernice Vd
Lionary 02-06-1994 Revolutionary Delespoir B
Lax Du Lombart 17-05-1994 Revolutionary Cheerful Mary
Lion Du Lombart 13-05-1994 Revolutionary Uzarde Dg
Lutionnary 10-05-1994 Revolutionary Alineuse
Linda Du Lombart 10-05-1994 Revolutionary Darie Du Lombart
Layka Jr 08-05-1994 Revolutionary Akivie H
Larme Du Lombart 07-05-1994 Revolutionary Messara
Lovely Du Lombart 06-05-1994 Revolutionary Valse Du Lombart
Loustic De Cressy 05-05-1994 Revolutionary Fee De Croy
Loup Du Lombart 30-04-1994 Revolutionary Action Queen
Lote Du Lombart 28-04-1994 Revolutionary Sadoura
Lara Du Lombart 26-04-1994 Revolutionary Sadora
Love You Drossaert 23-04-1994 Revolutionary Eva Drossaert
Lucie De Tienne 23-04-1994 Revolutionary Gipsy Girl
Lady Du Coria 22-04-1994 Revolutionary Babette Du Coria
Le Roi Du Lombart 20-04-1994 Revolutionary Ugana Du Lombart
Lidney 20-04-1994 Revolutionary Uppie
Lotus Du Lombart 19-04-1994 Revolutionary Idylle
Lutin D'once 17-04-1994 Revolutionary Etoile D'once
Lebeau Du Lombart 16-04-1994 Revolutionary Barbara Ii
Lyly Du Lombart 16-04-1994 Revolutionary Majavolo
Lucky Du Lombart 13-04-1994 Revolutionary Ucla B Robine
Layla Du Lombart 10-04-1994 Revolutionary Sabine Du Pont
Libellule D'once 10-04-1994 Revolutionary Timour S
Lady Du Lombart 10-04-1994 Revolutionary Une Du Bief
Lotus De Sart 07-04-1994 Revolutionary Antilope Samson
Ludovica Vm 06-04-1994 Revolutionary Bornea
Lutin Jeancle I 03-04-1994 Revolutionary Brives
L'aigle Du Condor 01-04-1994 Revolutionary Lodi Lady
Laura Du Lombart 29-03-1994 Revolutionary Ariane Du Pont
Luth Du Lombart 20-03-1994 Revolutionary Dahlia
Louve Du Lombart 02-03-1994 Revolutionary Eve Du Lombart
Kimy Des Viaux 09-07-1993 Revolutionary Emy Du Tilleul
Khalif Noordhof 04-07-1993 Revolutionary Beya Noordhof
Kariline 21-06-1993 Revolutionary Sabrigina
Koree Noordhof 15-06-1993 Revolutionary Bible Du Lombart
Kamelia D'harchies 11-06-1993 Revolutionary Vamiza
Kimono Des Iles 10-06-1993 Revolutionary Etoile Des Iles
Kactus Du Lombart 10-06-1993 Revolutionary Adulee Du Baty
Kine Du Lombart 08-06-1993 Revolutionary Agrippaii
Kritzia Crown 08-06-1993 Revolutionary Speedy Pompadour
Kelvine D'envoz 01-06-1993 Revolutionary Bella D'ile
Khaybar Du Condor 29-05-1993 Revolutionary Lucky Flame
Kronos Du Lombart I 29-05-1993 Revolutionary Via Mascotte
Kanon Du Lombart 25-05-1993 Revolutionary Farah Buitenzorg
Kaid Du Lombart 21-05-1993 Revolutionary Elue Du Lombart
Katius De Haid 20-05-1993 Revolutionary Sonia D'awagne
King One 20-05-1993 Revolutionary Plata
Kiva Du Lombart 18-05-1993 Revolutionary Valse Du Lombart
Kosta Du Lombart 18-05-1993 Revolutionary Sonia Du Clocher
Kreative Guy 18-05-1993 Revolutionary Linabelle Guy
Kaline D'algue 15-05-1993 Revolutionary Arie De Malgueule
Katy Du Lombart 15-05-1993 Revolutionary Caty Du Lombart
King Du Lombart 14-05-1993 Revolutionary Babia Boshoeve
Kevin Crown 13-05-1993 Revolutionary Cricri Eg
Kirr Du Lombart 11-05-1993 Revolutionary Charry D Lombart
Kimono J 11-05-1993 Revolutionary Amona Buitenzorg*h
Kadet De Bodegnee 10-05-1993 Revolutionary Malaguena
Kurty Goa 01-05-1993 Revolutionary Ullaiiiiiiii
Kendy De Tienne 01-05-1993 Revolutionary Bernice Vd
Kemi Du Lombart 27-04-1993 Revolutionary Balboa
Kingston Du Savary 23-04-1993 Revolutionary Sultana Annedge
Kassis Des Viaux 23-04-1993 Revolutionary Vamartine
Kadet Du Lombart 17-04-1993 Revolutionary Andiana De Soy
Krac Du Lombart 17-04-1993 Revolutionary Sadora
Kalif Du Lombart 15-04-1993 Revolutionary Ariane Du Pont
Korida De Bodegnee 12-04-1993 Revolutionary Sa Fiesta
Kiki Du Lombart 10-03-1993 Revolutionary Ugana Du Lombart
Kenya Du Lombart 28-02-1993 Revolutionary Dame Du Vivier
King Of Ways 21-02-1993 Revolutionary Vega Du Lombart
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